Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Q Notes, Day 128

Trumpty Dumpty spends five months convincing his army of brain-dead zombies that wearing face masks is a liberal conspiracy to steal their freedom. Then, out of nowhere, this tweet appears. Those popping noises you hear are the sound of MAGA heads exploding, and that stench is the smell of desperation coming off the Trumpster (who, incidentally, is the LEAST patriotic asshole on the continent).

Sarah Hucklebunk Sanders, long ago removed from her White House gig, will still try to bullshit us to death with ridiculous lies about Trumpty Dumpty.

The (R) people won't be satisfied until everybody else is as miserable and mistreated as they believe they are. As the most abused and unfairly-treated precedent (sic) ever, Trumpty Dumpty is perfectly suited to lead those losers.

Hit the deck! He'll be flying solo!

Now that Fox News has officially endorsed the mask stunt (above) as Trumpty Dumpty asserting leadership, I don't want to see any more redneck assholes roaming around w/o masks in Walmart like the three I saw yesterday. That trio looked like they may have been headed to a MAGA rally, and every other person I saw, including kids, was masked.

I'm in my 19th week of living in some degree of quarantine, there have been nearly 3.9 million confirmed cases of CV-19 in the U.S. with more than 134,000 dead so far. This afternoon, Trumpty Dumpty told the TV cameras that his admenstruation (sic) has begun work on a strategy to get things under control. Yeah, right. Anybody buying that shit?

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.