Sunday, July 26, 2020

Q Notes, Day 133

Week 19 coming to a close, still no symptoms. Hooray for staying inside.

It seems that Cheezy and Joe Biden both want to keep the 2020 presidential election campaign focused on Cheezy. I'd love to see Biden leading a blue tsunami in November in an election that was totally a referendum on the incumbent so-called precedent (sic).

Hullabaloo reports poll showing 81 percent of (R)s approve of Cheezy's performance. I can remember when it was over 90 percent. Can he survive a potential loss of ten percent of his support in the (R) party? I doubt it.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.