Thursday, July 16, 2020

Q Notes, Day 123

A number of states are implementing steps to control the spread of COVID-19.
If they're successful, I don't want to see Humpty Trumpty on TV trying to claim the credit. He's been worse than worthless every step of the way.

If Alabama can make face masks mandatory, there's should be no reason other red states can't do the same. 

Wanna lose your job with Humpty Trumpty? One good way will be to start swapping flirtations with Hope Hicks.

No big pep rallies with masses of adoring yahoos? Bad for Humpty Trumpty, great for America. 

Should Biden focus like a laser on locking down the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the election, or should he try to sweep virtually every state that leans even slightly in his direction, like Texas maybe? There are pros and cons to either approach, as reviewed @

If the last six months have proved anything, it would be that if you ignore science in a COVID-19 pandemic, you do so at great risk to yourself and everyone around you. Too bad for America that so many (R) politicians and voters are determined to ignore science because reality is just too fucking inconvenient.

Remember the name Larry Hogan. He looks like one of those pretty good Republicans who occasionally do things that make me sorry they're almost extinct now as a species.

If it weren't for Moscow Mitch and Booger Barr, the Pence might be the second most-worthless person in Washington D.C. The most worthless is the one above him in the chain of command, which goes without saying (since he's also the most worthless in the world).

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.