Saturday, July 11, 2020

Q Notes, Day 118

Q is short for quarantined, and today, is also short for questions.

Will there be any college football games played for television this season? If not, my devotion to the sport is really going to be tested. Since I gave up on the Dallas Cowboys shortly after Barry Switzer was replaced by Chan Gailey, I've thought of college football as the only sport I really care about. Until 1999, I typically watched at least two college games on Saturday, then one or two NFL games on Sunday (depending on the schedule). I'd also watch all of the major bowl games, and most of the NFL playoff games.

After 1999, I rarely watched pro football games, and gradually started watching fewer college games. I attribute my lack of interest to the fact that none of the teams I had supported from 1964 to 2000 were consistently good enough to win most of their games.

Since 2015, it's been difficult to sit through Texas A&M football games from start to finish, and I doubt if I've seen more than ten A&M games from beginning to end in the last four seasons (2016-2019). The games that I've generally watched have been postseason games, particularly the CFP championship games.

The point of all this reflection is that I'm wondering if I'll actually miss football if the season is cancelled due to COVID-19.

Another question: Do we really need people who seriously believe that Donny Shunk is more likable than Hillary Clinton? I have my doubts.

Will Greg Abbott ever do anything as governor that would benefit people who aren't necessarily (R) voters? Juanita Jean thinks probably not.

By commuting Roger Stone's sentence, is Shunk acknowledging that he knows he can't win reelection in November? Or is he just sure that he can't possibly lose?

Can we ever get people to understand that face masks really will work when everyone is wearing them?

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.