Monday, July 6, 2020

Q Notes, Day 113

The first day of the 17th week, and the disgusting insanity pouring out of the White House by way of TV cable news shows is still relentless. The current line is apparently this: If you don't actually die, having COVID-19 is no big deal. In fact, it's harmless.

For my money, the best online news digest is probably, where today's topics include the narrowing of the EC map for Donald Shunk. I'll feel better about that if Biden can get healthy leads in MI, PA, WI, plus either OH or FL. It makes me wonder how many of those Shunk supporters really believe that he's kept his promise and Made America Great Again...

It's never good to have the (R) people in control of the White House, and it makes things even worse if they also have a majority in one or both chambers of Congress. Even if everything is relatively calm in America, they'll find a way to screw things up. But when the wheels are coming off and there's chaos and destruction everywhere you look, having (R) people in control of any part of the federal government is catastrophic.

The Gallup poll today has Shunk at 38 percent approval: still enormously popular among the (R) people, but losing favor among the (I) people. Probably reflects growing public awareness that Shunk cares a lot more about statues of Confederate heroes than he does any U.S. citizens who have never attended one of his rallies or contributed to his campaign.

Shunk, seriously pissed off because Fox News reported a poll that has him trailing Biden, tells his Twitter followers to drop Fox News and watch some other channel. I don't believe that worthless asshole has thought this through.

To be honest about the situation, if there were 400-500 people with impressive professional credentials in science and medicine telling me that COVID-19 is turning out to be less of a public health threat than was originally forecast, that we can probably get it under control with another six months of diligently following the established precautions, and that by then we should have an ample supply of an effective vaccine... well, I would probably be happier every day than I am now, and certainly more optimistic.

Here's the problem: The only people saying things like that are fucking assholes who lie constantly. About everything.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.