Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Q Notes, Day 108

Donny Dhump still insisting that COVID-19 will just disappear, probably when we least expect it? Yeah, and then we'll be stuck with all those masks, testing kits, and millions of doses of vaccine.

I think COVID-19 may disappear, but not until the percentage of people who have it is noticeably larger than the percentage who don't. Or, alternatively, when we find a way to get the COVID deniers into enforced isolation, so that they can't spread it around. Whichever comes first.

If Dumbass Dhump thinks his mask made him look like Lone Ranger, he needs guidance in how to put it on.

There are things to criticize Joe Biden about, but being almost as bad as Dhumpy Don Dumbass isn't one of them. If this election ends up being strictly a referendum on Dhumpy Don, then Joe should be fine.

When Dhumpy Don, Moscow Mitch and Booger Barr are constantly in the news, it's easy to forget rotten Texas assholes like Greg Abbott, Rafael (Ted) Cruz, Louie Gohmert, Ken Paxton, Sid Miller, and maybe the worst one of them all: Danny (Goeb) Patrick. Fortunately, Juanita Jean maintains her Texas perspective with a Goeb update.

It wouldn't be a perfect world, but in a much better  world, one of the first things the new (D) majority in the Senate will do in 2021 is confirm President Biden's nominee to replace Clarence Thomas, who resigned too late to help Dhumpy Don.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.