Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Q. Notes, Day 143

More on the presidential debate controversy. Biden has confirmed that he'll appear in the traditional three debates, but Cheezy and his gangsters are demanding a fourth debate, preceding the other three, with moderators hand-picked by Cheezy. This proposition is typical Cheezy shit smear. If he gets a chance to perform in a setting guaranteed to give him a huge advantage in the first debate, it's dead certain that'll be the only debate. Or, if Biden refuses that gambit, Cheezy can try to make a argument that Biden is afraid to face him.

Cheezy is a chronic liar and con artist, and he was pretty good at both during his years as a TV show host. Then he decided to begin his political career at the top instead of working his way up the ladder, and is exposed as the nincompoop he's been all along. Whenever he tries to pull a fast one now, everybody immediately spots the scam.

I've been reading well-written articles by David Corn off and on since Bill Clinton was being hounded by (R)s during his second term. I just finished another readable piece concerning Cheezy's self-destructive tendencies (from Mother Jones).

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.