Monday, August 10, 2020

Q. Notes, Day 148

If Cheezy had been honestly elected (without Russian interference) to do absolutely nothing other than sit on his worthless ass in the White House watching Fox News all day long, then play golf on weekends, a case could be made that he was doing the job he's qualified to do.

Unfortunately for America and 60 percent of the people who live here, Cheezy is trying to do a whole shitload of stuff he's in no way qualified or competent enough to do, and the result is an unbelievable clusterfuck.

I would think that if there's anything Cheezy could do to make his fans desert him in large numbers, promising to wipe out Social Security and Medicare would be that thing. For some reason, he seems convinced that fucking with senior citizens is a winner for him.

As expected, has the best explanation of what happened with the four 'executive orders' that made news all weekend long.

More from, this time about who's helping who when it comes to foreign interference in the presidential election. Hint: I'll probably be pulling for the Chinese against the Russians.

Finally, here's a verbatim excerpt from spelling out the filth and corruption behind DeJoy's effort to destroy the USPS. DeJoy is to mail service as DeVos is to public education. 
"A letter signed by nine Democrats asked the Postal Service Inspector General Tammy Whitcomb to examine DeJoy's actions and their effect on postal service. They also asked her to review the finances of DeJoy and his wife, who are known to have between $30 million and $75 million in stock of companies that are either contractors or competitors of the USPS. To the extent that DeJoy ruins the USPS, it could help competitors whose stock he owns. Add in the possibility of outsourcing work to contractors whose stock he owns, then the possibility of self-dealing and outright corruption stands out like a sore thumb. Help Trump and help yourself. Where have we seen this model before? It makes HUD Secretary Ben Carson's spending $31,500 of the taxpayers' money on a dining room table for his government office look like the height of probity."
When Putin decided to throw his support behind Cheezy's election effort, he was imagining a scenario in which presidential incompetence, ignorance, laziness, and corruption would combine to turn the United States from a global superpower into a third world shithole. 

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.