Sunday, June 21, 2020

Q Notes, Day 98

A week of hype by the MF45 campaign, and at least a week of hyperventilation by the 60 percent of us who are reasonable and try hard to be good citizens. The Big Bash in Tulsa OK was hyped by Disciples of Donald as the long-awaited return of El Pompadour to the 2020 campaign trail after weeks of absence, on a date and at a location dripping with significance for devoted white supremacists (June 19th, Tulsa OK). That started the hyperventilating.

It was announced that the Big Bash would be held with token gestures at most toward COVID-19 precautions (e.g., face masks available, but wearing them unnecessary, social distancing non-existent). More hyperventilating.

As the week wore on, we learned that trumpkins seeking admission to the Big Bash were required to waive any right to seek damages from MF45 if they were exposed to Microbes from Hell and subsequently got sick and/or died. Increased hyperventilation about the stupidity of trumpkins: What in god's name are those mental defectives thinking?

Finally, the MF45 campaign announced that nearly 800,000 people were lining up to attend the Big Bash, to be held in a venue with a capacity of about 19,000. Nearly a million trumpkins? Wouldn't that make the Big Bash the largest city in OK for 24 hours or so? What if 800,000 trumpkins leave Tulsa carrying COVID-19 and take it home with them? Ultra hyperventilation ensues.

The Big Bash turned out to be another typical bust for Massive Failure 45. The official attendance was about 6,200 (or about 1/3 of capacity), and the show was essentially a rehash of all the grievances that have been eating at Donny from January 2017 through the day of the pep rally. Anyone paying attention for the past three years has heard most, if not all, of this crap before, maybe a dozen times.

Even worse for the campaign, it turned out that most of the 800,000 people trying to get tickets to the show were apparently teenagers with free time who used phony IDs to request tickets they'd never use, so how cool is that?

All of which explains why MF45 looked like an old man with an axe handle rammed up his ass when he walked from the helicopter to the White House last night.

122,000 dead due to pandemic? No sweat. 6,200 fans show up for pep rally? This.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.