Friday, May 31, 2024

Trials and Tribulation

Let's be candid here: Convicted felon 34/34 hasn't done a single goddamned thing that made America great in any way, and he never will. Actually, parts of the country are now crawling with sick, useless MAGA morons, making the red states worse dumps now than they were under (R) presidents like Reagan and Bush 43. It's hard to believe, but the United States could be improved a tiny bit by Republicans simply reorganizing as a traditional political party instead of a personality cult. Maybe that process will begin after 34/34 is given a decisive ass-whipping by Joe & Kamala in November.

Right now, I'm sick and tired of reading comments by worthless MAGA mooks that the guilty verdicts in 34/34's election interference trial indicate that the American judicial system has been destroyed. The system has been seriously damaged, but not by indicting, arresting and trying a congenital criminal like the Waste of Shit. The real damage is being caused by Extreme Court justices Roberts, Smirkin' Sammy Alito and Clearance Sale Thomas, and federal judge Loose Cannon. Those four should be removed and replaced immediately, 

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.