This is another day when the temperature is in the 20's, but feels 10 degrees colder. This will be my third consecutive day spent indoors, trying to stay warm.
There are other places suffering through even crappier weather than this, and Iowa is probably one of them. The infamous Iowa caucus was held yesterday, and El Pedo Grande was the winner as expected. Here's the good news: Iowa is one of the very worst red state shitholes, and El Pedo only got about 51% of the vote. Simple arithmetic confirms that nearly half of the most-determined voters in a red state shithole wanted someone other than El Stinko Grande.
In 2016, El Pedo was mainly known as a TV performer playing a successful businessman on a network reality show. With plenty of help from Russia and Democrats who voted for Jill Stein, he won the EC despite losing the popular vote. Now it's eight years later, and he's no longer the 2016 Untested Quantity. His first term led to his defeat in 2020, and I can't think of anything he's done since then that would make him more popular now than he was in 2016.
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