Friday, May 8, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 54

The COVID-19 situation is making it easy to separate Americans into two categories: GOOD AMERICANS and ROTTEN ASSHOLES. In my book, you're either in one group or the other, with the determining factor being whether (a) you're making the best of a bad situation, or (b) you're making a bad situation worse. I'm including Rick Bright in the Good American category.

The must-read short article of the day is called Trump Is Just Making It Up As He Goes at

For now, the people at the Lincoln Project are meeting the criteria for inclusion in the GOOD AMERICANS category.

MF45 and nearly everyone he chose to fill positions in the federal government were in the ROTTEN ASSHOLES group when they joined up, and will be long after they're gone. Digby @ Hullabaloo has more on that story. 

Modern technology allows us to track the results of those protests in Michigan. Hint: It involves tracing mobile phones in use at the protest location back to home communities.

Juanita Jean reports the chances are improving that MF45 and Mother's Boy may be exposed to the microbe from hell, with Stephen Miller as a bonus prize.

MF45 has obviously decided that he'll just roll with the flow regardless of how many corpses the microbes from hell produce, and stop counting. In his world, if he acts nonchalant, everyone else will too.

Heart-breaking tweet of the day from a right-wing loser named Todd Starnes:

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.