Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Dope Defense

During football season, I usually buy the Friday newsstand editions of USA Today or Houston Chronicle for their sports and entertainment sections. If there's anything that catches my eye in the op-ed pages, I read that too.

Which explains how I came across a Chronicle column under the headline "Incompetence is not impeachable offense" by some right-wing asshole named Marc A. Thiessen, who gets his opinions published in The Washington Post originally. I wasn't familiar with the name, but a quick google search revealed he's a conservative from the Donald Rumsfeld branch of the (R) party, and wrote speeches for Bush 43.

The premise of the column I read this morning elaborated on something I'd seen online last week before the impeachment hearings became a TV show: The (R)s know Donny Shmenge is under Putin's control and is guilty of everything he's suspected to have done regarding Ukraine fuckery. Since there's no way to prove he's innocent, they'll try a variation of the not guilty by reason of diminished capacity defense.

This Thiessen dick wad argues that Shmenge is, at any given moment, one or more of the following: incompetent, erratic, incoherent, irrational, or impressionable. Shmenge doesn't know how to perform the duties of his position, so he surrounds himself with evildoers like Rudy Kazootie, who can manipulate him with conspiracy theories and assorted crazy notions. Even then, he changes his mind from hour to hour, producing chaos and confusion.

This nonsense goes on for several paragraphs, and eventually wraps up with the conclusion in the headline. My reaction is that I would thoroughly enjoy watching Shmenge personally embrace this defense, especially the parts about being incompetent and dependent on subordinates who can manipulate him with false information. I'm imagining his Twitter rampages blaming Rudy, Mick, Mitch and Mike for taking advantage of his gullibility and lack of preparation.

I won't disagree that Shmenge is being manipulated, but the people pulling the strings aren't his subordinates in the White House. They're his superiors in Moscow.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.