Sunday, November 10, 2019

Excuses, excuses

According to AlterNet, Moscow Mitch held a meeting behind closed doors and told the other Senate (R) cockroaches that basically, it's every man for himself when it comes to defending Donny Shmenge. Each (R) needs to concoct some rationalization that works for him in his personal situations. An uncoordinated approach is their only option since Shmenge's chosen defense can be summarized like this: "I'm the victim of the biggest witch hunt in the history of the world, and besides, I have absolute immunity. Case closed."

Meanwhile, the House (R) cockroaches have apparently decided they'll treat the impeachment process like a big joke so it will just go away by itself.

The bottom line is that it still boils down to this:

If Barack Obama had done what Donny did, would the (R)s call it an impeachable offense and be willing to remove him from office for doing it?


If the real transcript of the Ukraine call (not the edited summary) exonerates his ass, why is it still hidden from human eyes?

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.