Friday, January 4, 2019

Sounds good to me.

One of the new House Democrats said they're going to impeach the motherfucker, and predictably, the usual GOP suspects ran to the cameras and microphones to tell us how shocked they are.

I don't believe those assholes understand that millions of Americans have been waiting impatiently to hear someone in Congress say they're going to impeach the motherfucker, using exactly those words. Personally, I'm not the least bit offended.

And while we're on the subject, the same people gasping over Rashida Tlaib's remark have spent the last two years ignoring, making excuses for, or snickering about the stuff that spews out of Donnie's filthy pie hole. So they can go fuck themselves.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.