Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Showdown at Pennsylvania Avenue

So-called precedent (sic) Donnie Velveeta had what was referred to as a "listening session" at the White House. The topic was supposed to be solutions to the national epidemic of killing sprees by gun queers. The following quote is lifted from Politicus USA:
Trump said, “I just wanted to say before we begin, we are going to be very strong on background checks. We’ll be doing strong background checks, very strong emphasis on the mental health of somebody, and we are going to do plenty of other things. Again, next week the governors are coming in from most of the states and have a serious talk about what’s going on with school safety, very important. And we’re going to cover every aspect of it. There are many ideas I have, there are many ideas other people have and we’re going to go with the strongest ideas, most important ideas, ideas that are going to work and we’re going to get them done. It’s not going to be talk like it has been in the past. It’s been going on too long, too many instances and we’re going to get it done. So, again, I want to thank you all for being here.”
When I read this, my first reaction was that he was talking down to students who are much smarter than he is. Then I remembered this is how Donnie talks to everyone. He's a fucking idiot, and it pisses him off when he has to do stuff like this instead of watching Fox News on the TV set.

UPDATE 10:34 AM 22 FEB: The fucking idiot needed a cheat sheet to get through the so-called "listening session." That blows Donnie's photo op all to hell.

Of course, it won't matter to the members of Donnie's zombie cult because they're just as fucked up as he is.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.