To make the point that there are still depths to which Texas has not yet sunk, there are RepubliQans in Tennessee who are ready to shut down the state's department of public health after it started encouraging kids over 14 to obtain COVID vaccinations.
It's time to kick ass and take names. Past time, in fact.
Additional proof that America isn't really so 'exceptional' would be the number of religious psychopaths who are running around spouting nonsense.
In right-wing lunatics versus the Affordable Care Act news, the ACA wins the latest round by a score of 7-2.
Cheez Doodle reenters politics as a U.S. representative from Florida, then replaces Madam Speaker? This is the kind of horse shit that floats around the political websites on the internet, which is apparently meant to prevent people like me from relaxing and enjoying life without the former guy. I have doubts about that idea, because in Congress, Cheezy would be basically 1 among 535. Even in a leadership position, he's a face in a crowd. I don't see that as being attractive to someone who needs to be the focal point of the political universe (and absolutely above the law), as Cheezy does. Also, the job has regular office hours, and limited time available for watching news shows on daytime cable TV.
Among conservative Catholic bishops, former guy passed every test, but Joe can't make the cut? Another rationale for refusing to take religion seriously. Speaking of religious lunacy, Mike Pence is no longer one of the poster boys for the Christian dominion cause. Tough break, Pence.
After meeting with Joe, Vladimir was very complimentary and seems to realize the rules of the game have changed since his butt boy is out of the White House. There are rumors that seeing Joe and Putin together on TV has been very difficult for the former guy.
The Democratic Party is gradually becoming the preferred option for younger voters and suburban voters, as well as urban voters. The RepubliQans are gradually becoming the choice of older white people in rural areas. Not expecting to see substantial growth in that demographic segment.
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