Monday, December 16, 2019

The score is 54-41, so impeachment wins?

It could easily be predicted that Donny Mother4ker would be pissed off after Fox News reported their poll on impeachment. What's going on at the national propaganda network?

Added 11:35 AM Tuesday: The best idea I've seen so far this week? The House votes to impeach Mother4ker 45, but opts not to send the case to the Senate until further notice.

Added 2:34 PM Thursday: Weighing the pros and cons of not sending the impeachment case to the Senate right away. Here's another perspective on an approach that makes sense to me (this one from a conservative source).

PS added 4:55 PM: As a rule, I avoid Politico and The Hill since both are too right-wing for me. I came across a link to a report in Politico that indicates the House (D) leadership is considering holding the articles of impeachment for a while, but haven't read the article (other than the clip posted at DU).

PS added 11:13 PM: The House voted. Both articles passed. Is god sending Donny Drip Dick a message of some kind?

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.