Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Another (R) rant

In my opinion, when it comes to the destruction of the United States, the biggest threat in the world is the Republican Party under Donny Strunz. For my money, we're talking about the worst goddamned people on earth. Muslim terrorists can't come close to producing the massive damage to the U.S. that Strunz and his loyal followers are capable of causing. We're already closer to fascism after three years of this shit than I ever thought would be possible in my lifetime.

If I started to list the (R)s that I hate, I'd never live long enough to finish the list. On the other hand, I could probably list the few tolerable (R)s on a couple of index cards. They're the ones often referred to as Never Trump Republicans (those who aren't afraid to defy him publicly because they recognize the threat).

Today, the Strunz has directed his wrath at those (R)s, calling them "human scum."

And as usual, that repulsive lard-ass misses the target by a mile. The human scum would be Moscow Mitch, Booger Barr, Pompeo, Gaetz, Jordan, Gohmert, and all those worthless assholes who show up at his campaign pep rallies, to name just a few.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.