Monday, March 3, 2025

Loving To Be In Love

El Jumbo Dumbo hugs himself and sighs about all the things he and Vladimir have experienced together.

In Moscow, Putin shrugs and smiles, then tells the oligarchs gathered around him (speaking in Russian), "That American asshole, he must be queer for my gear." 

Updated 1:19 PM Tuesday: El Jumbo Dumbo is the kind of creep who's never invited to parties, but crashes them anyway, then drops his trousers and takes a dump in the middle of your coffee table. The simple fact is that Dumbo is a worthless slob who visualizes himself as a superhero. Every American with intelligence a bit above average recognized the staged attack by Dumbo and Shady JD against President Zelenskyy in the White House for what it was, and was nauseated by it. Now that most of the world hates his sorry ass, Dumbo is demanding that the injured party make a televised public apology to him. 

Pussydent 1/2 x 47 is still a total waste of shit. He's hoping to let Putin have the Oval Office, while he'll relocate into a renovated White House storage closet.

When the Soviet KGB recruited him as an asset under the code name Krasnov in 1987, El Jumbo Dumbo worked for the Russians secretly. His loyalty to Russia is no longer concealed, because he's proud of himself.

Jumbo Dumbo pretends to be a tough mob boss with his tariff threats, but as soon as everything backfires on him and the U.S. economy destabilizes, he earns the title Pussydent again. All big talk and chickenshit.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Beware! The Blob! Again!

There are at least a few thousand reasons El Gordo Wrecked 'em should not be Pussydent 50% x 47 today, but the reason at the top of the list is this one: 

He has many violent MAGA Maniac followers who will gladly carry out any death threat he makes to get what he wants, or even make their own death threats on his behalf.

Some Republicans in the Senate have voted, or will soon vote, to affirm unqualified garbage dump rats like Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Junior, Pam Bondi, Russell Vought, or Kash Patel for important leadership positions because they've received a death threat or they expect one soon.

El Gordo Wrecked 'em and Vice Pussydent J.D. Vance would love to be considered the epitome of American masculinity, which is laughable since Putin owns both of 'em. Wrecked 'em has been Putin's Number 1 fan since before the 2016 election. He's a classic sissy-man, and hating transgendered people will never make him a tough guy.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Beware of The Blob (Day 24)

 According to a report @ AlterNet things are a mess in the House of Representatives because the so-called Freedom Caucus is creating chaos. Things would be healthier and safer for our country if congressional MAGA monkeys would stop worrying about keeping Don Key Wrecked 'Em pacified and just pass beneficial legislation that actually makes the United States a better place to live for everyone.

The best way to identify which critical problems Don Key Wrecked 'Em created is noting that he's blaming them on Barack Obama and/or Joe Biden.

Don Key Wrecked 'Em is too old and senile, too fat and lazy, and too ignorant to handle traditional presidential duties, so he's delegating many of them to Elon & The Muskrats instead. He's keeping the only task he enjoys: signing executive orders with that weird-looking signature. He'll also do the Fox News interviews, unless they conflict with his recreational leisure time on the golf course. He'll also dominate all the ridiculous TV reality show bullshit like re-naming the Gulf of Mexico or making Canada a state.

The US Extreme Court and Judge Aileen (Loose) Cannon in Florida are largely to blame for the horrible mess we're in: Their (judicial) interference delayed or ended the two most serious criminal cases against Don Key Wrecked 'Em -- the J6 attempted coup case in Washington, and the stolen classified documents case in Florida. The RICO case in Fulton County GA was also stalled out by an appellate court. Now's the time for state and federal courts to step up and balance the scales again by ruling against habitual criminal Pussydent 47 in every lawsuit filed by state AGs or other parties with standing.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Revenge of The Blob (Weekend Edition)

It's obvious that Don Old Rectum (wrecked 'em) has a minimal number of goals as Pussydent 47, mainly the following:

  • Making as much U.S. government revenue as possible available to cover the costs of his personal pleasure and enjoyment
  • Freely ignoring every state and federal statute based on absolute immunity approved and granted by the Extreme Court
  • Gaining retribution by punishing everyone who has ever criticized, opposed or ridiculed him, or ignored his immunity by penalizing him for crimes or civil violations.

Thought For Today

Since Don E Rectum will be directly responsible for at least eight of the worst goddamned years in American history, he will hopefully live long enough to experience legal retaliation expected by non-MAGA's on the Enemies List. It'll be amusing to see how the Blob copes with being on the painful end of getting even.

Two weeks of this creepy psychopath in office is two weeks too many. He's just a POS pretending to be a POTUS.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Return of The Blob (Saturday Version)

 One of these things is much more likely to occur than the other:

(A) Some wealthy anonymous donor, a beautiful young actress, will appreciate and enjoy my blog writing so much that I receive a tax-free stipend of $250,000 each year for the remainder of my time on earth.

(B) Pussydent 47 Don Old Hump will complete one day (24 consecutive hours) without saying or doing a single thing that makes me hate his goddamned guts and hope he permanently disappears after a Russian Mafia team escorts him out of the USA as ordered by Vladimir Putin.

I think the first thing I'll buy with the $250,000 will be a new Audi, or maybe a BMW.

There's a very interesting analysis at Daily Kos that outlines the details of Fifteen Reasons for Hope in this terrible first week of the Waste of Shit's term as Pussydent 47.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Another Sadder Saturday Ahead?

I'll usually waste at least 45 minutes per day perusing established liberal alternate media sources, like AlterNet (, Daily Kos (, Politicus USA (, Palmer Report (www.palmerreport. com), and the forums at Democratic Underground. Most of what I read is infuriating or depressing, so 45 minutes (or less) has been my tolerance level since MVP Harris lost. I had been riding high on confidence that U.S. voters were sick and tired of HOT (Huge Orange Turd).

The worst congressional MAGA Monkey is Empty Greene, who I call Drag Queen because she looks like a man desperately trying to look butch. One of the silliest things the dimwit has said recently is that HOT is loved by MAGA morons because he's so tough. Is she kidding? That worthless fuck spent four years wallowing in self-pity because he was being indicted for numerous criminal activities. He's not tough -- he's soft, so I call him pussydent.

The "tough" guy has picked three elderly has-been movie actors to serve as his Hollywood ambassadors: Jon Voight (age 86), Sylvester Stallone (age 78), and the youngster, Mel Gibson (age 69). This reinforces the notion that HOT still considers himself the TV star who dominates the show biz universe.

 HOT is still on the sidelines as the future Pussydent, and his approval ratings are already in the toilet at about 44%. He hasn't even started the planned destruction, so approval in the 35% range is predictable.

There are 219 (R) members of the House, and 52 (R) members in the Senate. If those 271 members of Congress would accept the fact that HOT is already an old, unpopular lame duck, they could abandon MAGA and restore traditional Republican politics. By derailing rather than approving HOT's fascist Project 2025 agenda, they could have him wandering around in circles, mumbling to himself.

Due to harsh winter weather conditions, HOT's inauguration ceremony is being moved to an indoor facility, which ends his fantasy of setting a new world record for crowd size. Tough shit, Poozie.

Remember a few weeks ago when right-wing media like AP were reporting that Poozie had defeated vastly superior Kamala Harris because most voters believed him when he promised that only he could make the U.S. economy great again? So much for that shit.


Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.