Saturday, October 12, 2024


I read about all the positive things that are being accomplished by the Harris-Walz campaign, and all the negative things that should be signs that things aren't going well for The Two Weirdos (Donhole Dinky and Shady JD). Then some media outfit produces reports about the latest poll averages that is inconsistent with the other reports. The reason for the lack of consistency lies in so-called Red Wave Polling.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

De Bait

 I've read a number of reports about Shady JD Vance and I've formed negative opinions of him without seeing him perform on television. I didn't watch the whole VP debate last night between Shady JD and Good Guy Tim Walz, but I saw enough to get a clear idea about why former pussydent (sic) Donhole Dumpster chose Shady to be his running mate this time.

The only thing Donhole does really well is persuade gullible goobers to buy and eat large bowls of dog shit by telling them it's chocolate ice cream. So far, several million goobers have happily enjoyed what he's selling them. After seeing Shady JD's debate performance, I realized he's just another bowl of turds being swallowed like dessert by ignorant goobers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Some Fresh Takes

The conservative press (corporate media) is still reluctant to report anything that would seem to treat Kamala Harris & Tim Walz more positively or favorably than Dinky Tinky (SS code name) and Just Dirt (SS code name). MVP and the Democrats are filling arenas to capacity and have received roughly $500,000,000 in campaign donations in a brief time. Dinky Tinky and Just Dirt aren't matching those accomplishments, but they're still in the driver's seat according to corporate media reporting.

There's an unusual amount of encouraging stuff in the alternate media, and I'm posting links that will help me locate it again quickly when my spirits need a lift:

Friday, August 16, 2024


I'm getting sick and tired of the CP (conservative press, aka corporate media) and their damned games. The CP has been constantly harping on MVP's delay in granting interviews with detailed descriptions of her policy agenda. They're warning that she'll lose the election unless she satisfies their demands for access.

These are the same people who will gather in large groups to spend an hour or two watching and listening as Narciss-sissy Assholini uses them as his audience of willing fools while he regurgitates the same old got-damn litany of lies and grievances he's been repeating since he began his 2024 campaign in 2020. It's hard to separate his deliberate lies from crap that originates in plain old ignorance and stupidity, but it all gets reported as essential legitimate information.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Things Are Rolling Along Now

 For several days last week, I wasted my time worrying about Rachel Maddow's fear that the TRashdUMP would steal the coming election when corrupt officials refused to certify the votes in several battleground states. Crooks & Liars has a follow-up article worth reading on this matter that I would have appreciated greatly last week.

The suspense has ended now that MVP Kamala Harris has chosen Tim Walz as her running mate. It looks as though her choice is being greeted enthusiastically by Democratic voters. I'll admit that a few weeks ago, I didn't know who Tim Walz was when his name first came up as a possibility, but the alternate media are convinced that he'll be a valuable asset in expanding the map for Democrats.

Meanwhile, I see no reason why Josh Shapiro can't still help MVP Harris win Pennsylvania, and eliminate Donny Dung Beetle at the same time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

More Real Odd Odds & Ends

 If you want a good laugh (or maybe just need to puke), I recommend the video in this article from Crooks & Liars, in which a panel of Wisconsin MAGA Monkey females are interviewed about MVP. Most of these interviewees look like they weigh in at about 300 pounds, are over 60 years of age, and are limited in conversation to repeating some got-dam crap they saw and heard on Fox Propaganda (Not News).

Fox Propaganda is so obvious, only mental defectives could believe they were watching something qualifying as objective TV news programming. Today, one of the Fox talking heads described Donny Toad as the candidate of change, which is ridiculous because (a) Toad is what he is and will never change in any way, and (b) the only change he might possibly force onto America is change nobody other than TRashdUMP assholes would want to even think about, much less experience. 

People who know from personal experience working for the asshole are warning the nation that Donny Toad should never have been precedent (sic) once, much less again,


Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.