Sunday, July 8, 2018

Pulling the plug?

Apparently, two of the three main cable news networks (CNN and MSNBC) have realized that covering Donnie Dipshit's "campaign" rallies is a waste of everyone's time. There's a strong case to be made that, even with Russia juicing the deck, Donnie wouldn't be in the White House now without the millions of dollars worth of free media coverage he received from the networks in 2015-16. As a veteran of TV reality shows, Donnie knew exactly how to make sure he was constantly surrounded by cameras, microphones, and reporters, all waiting to make his next belch or fart the top story of the day.

In a perfect world, every second of media coverage devoted to The Big Orange Hemorrhoid would be used for truthful, critical analysis of his incompetence, corruption, and psychotic criminal behavior. Since that won't happen, the next best thing would be a total Donnie TV blackout. That would effectively starve him out, since he couldn't tolerate being totally ignored by television. And, since THAT won't happen, maybe we can finally reach a point where the only favorable TV coverage will be limited to Fox News, the official White House propaganda channel. The only people watching FNC are MAGA maggots who are already beyond redemption.

Do we REALLY need to see this shit on TV?

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.