Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Not so fast, Booger.

Robert Mueller should be an excellent witness in an open hearing conducted by the House Judiciary Committee.

I wonder if Booger Barr will even show up for his grilling now. Worthless lying sack o' shit.

The New York Times story may be read at this link. Tonight, a significant number of Democrats are preparing to climb back aboard the Mueller Express, after their premature bailout earlier this month.

Monday, April 22, 2019


At the liberal blogs I see most often, the big topic is impeachment. Of the two most common arguments on the subject, I don't agree with either.

One argument is that the House should initiate a full-scale impeachment proceeding next week, and last week would've been even better. I disagree because the House is in a position, via subpoenas and public hearings, to add a lot of information and public understanding to the existing Mueller report. That will reinforce the case against the orange stool sample, but it will take time. There's no great rush, just do a thorough job.

The opposing argument is that impeachment should be off the table. The Senate Republicans will never vote to remove the stool sample from office, and after impeachment fails, Donnie will coast to victory in the 2020 election. My problem with this argument is that if the predicted outcome is so certain and so favorable to the GOP, I'd expect to hear Republicans encouraging Democrats to get the ball rolling, maybe even daring them to do it. I'm not hearing anything like that, but I'm receiving signals that Republicans don't see an advantage for their side unless the impeachment impetus dies a sudden, quiet death (move along, there's nothing to see here). Right now, Republicans LOVE seeing Democrats trembling in fear that Donnie will be impeached.

Added 7:37 PM Monday: Based on a Washington Post report at MSN, it seems like Madam Speaker is moving the House in the direction I hoped she would, meaning that impeachment isn't OFF the table, but it isn't the only thing ON the table either. And if the fat stool sample wants to drag this into the middle of next year with frivolous lawsuits, I'm okay with that too.

Added 1:12 AM Tuesday: Keep an eye on Triple Shitburger with Double Cheese over the next few days, as the subpoenas are announced summoning cooperative witnesses to testify under oath in public hearings. If there's anybody in the country who understands the power of television to shape public opinion, it's Triple Shitburger.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Bullshit Glue

Now that the Booger Barr version of Mueller's report is available for downloading by anyone with an Internet connection and a little free space on a USB drive, media reporting is apparently taking a smarter slant than what I saw when Booger's original four-page press release was the only available document. Today, even Fox News talking heads are rolling their eyes, so to speak.

For Republicans, all that's left for them is to hold Donnie Hump's base together with bullshit glue. Kellyanne Conway says that Donnie's in a great mood and ready to accept apologies from everybody. You know, Donnie's base loves shit like that.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dealing with Corruption, Part I

Unless the abridged edition of the Mueller investigation report is much more informative than is anticipated, the consensus is that a legal battle is right around the corner (see Daily Kos for more analysis). One idea catching my attention is that instead of impeaching the orange piss stain, the House might initiate impeachment proceedings against Booger Barr, assuming he ignores the inevitable House subpoena for the complete report. This idea is even more appealing now that we're getting a closer look at Booger's potential conflicts of interest (which should have dictated his recusal). If nothing else, the motherfucker needs to be dragged through the microscopic examination that should have been part of his Senate confirmation.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


After spending a little time online, reading updated reports about the orange piss stain and his followers, this comparison occurred to me:

Imagine 100 brain-damaged chimpanzees trying to force 48,000 gallons of shit into a dozen empty Coke bottles. There's endless chaos and shit all over everything. It stopped being amusing after the first ten minutes.

The question is, how long are we going to put up with this?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bad, Booger, bad!

Booger Barr testified before the House Appropriations Committee today, and based on the news coverage of the appearance, he obviously needs severe punishment for bad behavior. Booger is another textbook example of the rule that being a worthless asshole is a prerequisite for appointment to positions in Donnie Sumo's so-called "administration."

Friday, April 5, 2019

Pete Buttigieg

Every time I turn around, I come across a very positive report on Pete Buttigieg. I only recently learned how to pronounce his surname, so he's not a person I've been following off and on for a few years. From what I've read so far, he's the complete exact opposite of the Orange Piss Stain, which would seem to make him a reasonable prospect for the Democratic Party nomination. Still, I have to wonder if he's electable in a nation where something like the Orange Piss Stain is tolerated by at least 40 percent of voters.


Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.