Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day 2018

It was foggy and humid this morning, not really great weather for going out to vote. In a different year, I might've been tempted to skip a midterm election since I live in a red state, and there are usually so many Republicans who run unopposed.

This year, things are supposed to be different. Democrats are more widely represented on the ballot, and it's possible that with enough voter turnout, this could develop into a blue wave election. If it happens, I want to be able to say I participated in it.

We walked into the voting center around 9:06 AM, and the line was about what I usually see in presidential election years, maybe a little shorter. By 9:36 AM, we were finished and heading for the door. Thirty minutes or so isn't too bad, and it would be time well spent if a few of the Democrats I voted for actually won. Replacing Rafael with Beto would really make my day.

Update 12:40 AM Wednesday: I was disappointed with some results in specific races, especially Beto's narrow loss. On the plus side, having the House of Representatives under Democratic control should help me feel a lot better about a whole bunch of things. And I won't be too upset the next time Florida gets torn up by a tropical storm.  

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.