Saturday, March 5, 2016

Compromising Positions

For most of my life, government operated on traditional political practices. Elected officials representing a spectrum of positions on various issues would hammer out compromise solutions to problems that needed to be solved. Politics was sometimes referred to as the art of compromise.

Now, one of the leading presidential contestants is Rafael Cruz, who won a vacant seat in the Senate by bragging he was the only candidate who would never compromise his True Conservative Values and his Holy Jesus Values. Crooze is popular with a small group of tea party lunatics in the House who also refuse to compromise the same values.

All politicians who claim they'll never compromise with their peers are acknowledging they're not qualified or competent to participate in the processes of governing in America, and should be allowed 24 hours to clean out their desks and get the hell out of town.

Conservatives are dangerous because they believe the only solutions are their solutions. In a civilized diverse society, nobody gets everything they want, but everybody gets some of the things they want. That's the nature of compromise, and people who aren't willing to get with the program need to find another society that isn't civilized and diverse. That will require overseas travel.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.