Tuesday, February 2, 2016

After Ioway

Random thinking in the aftermath of the Iowa caucus~
  • This morning, headlines across America are proclaiming that Trump has met his Waterloo!!! We've been reading about the Trump juggernaut for weeks. Who would've thought it'd be so easy to get rid of that fucking asshole once and for all?
  • There'll be a place for that creepy Duck Dynasty lunatic in the Cruz Reich. He'll be in charge of the bureau where they develop plans to rid the earth of non-Christian sinners. That's a major goal for the Reich.
  • At this writing, the GOP field has been narrowed from 12 mopes to 11 mopes. Hucklebuck 'suspended' his farce of a campaign, unable to replicate his 2008 moment of supreme triumph in the backwater hellhole of Iowa.
  • According to a lot of the media coverage, the Iowa caucasians delivered a devastating defeat to The Donald. Is this just wishful thinking by the media? Will Donald crawl back into a dark hole and lick his wounds? Or will he unleash the full fury of his wrath on the Cuban/Canadian interloper? Does any of this matter in the overall scheme of things?
  • The caucus results are additional proof that Iowa Republicans are some of the worst people on earth. What do you expect from people who use corncobs the way normal people use toilet tissue?
  • Since presidential elections involve politicians, they're invariably about choosing the lesser of two evils. Which candidate is relatively more palatable is always a matter of opinion. For me, it's always the one who's running against the goddamned Republican.
  • Some Republicans looked at the turnout in the Iowa caucus and right away started predicting a GOP win in November. Right-wingers have an incredible ability to fool themselves into thinking they're the majority in America, and only lose national elections because their base is too apathetic to vote every four years. 

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.