Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thinking out loud...

We know Donnie Trump is a loose cannon, and we know that he has taken liberal-to-moderate positions on a number of issues over the years. We also know that he's an experienced huckster who's skilled in media and manipulation.

Suppose Republicans nominate Donnie on the basis of his current position on immigration, and even manage to get him elected. Then, after he's in office, they discover they've elected someone who doesn't give a goddamn about the religious right's agenda and GOP tax orthodoxy, and has no sense of allegiance to anyone but Donald Trump.

I can see the possibilities for real schadenfreude here.

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Dedicated to Jim Ferguson. If you don't know who Jim Ferguson is, you (a) haven't seen The Missouri Breaks, or (b) have an inadequate ability to fully assimilate movie trivia.